Worship Service

  • Selected youth serve as torch bearers and Crucifer-Servers for our Sunday morning worship services. Torch Bearers light and extinguish the torches, and process them in and out of the worship. Crucifer-Servers carry the processional cross, leading the procession, and serve at the Altar-Table with the priest.

  • The Altar Guild are confirmed members of the church who prepare the Altar-Table for Sunday Worship. They maintain and care for the sacred vessels, altar linens, vestments, and seasonal hangings of the church and serve the clergy of the parish.


  • At the beginning of the 10:00 service, children are led into the Children's Worship area to pray and praise God in a child friendly service. The Children learn to praise God with songs and prayers. Our goal is to help families guide their children to know, worship, and praise God, and to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Adults and teens help lead music, games, prayers, and Bible stories. We always need a second person just to help the children and sit with them.


  • The Flower Guild members have or acquire experience in flower arranging and serve periodically. Each person buys flowers and arranges them on Saturday afternoon and places them in front of the Altar-Table.


  • Flowers are shared and delivered to shut-ins and those in need following the service.


  • The members of the Prayer Ministry pray with people for healing and other needs during the 10:00 service. To serve on the prayer team, a period of training and discernment is required.


  • The Project and Sound person projects the service and song lyrics for the 10:00 service and occasionally special services, and makes sure PA system is properly set. After receiving the order of service from the secretary, the material is prepared for projection. The sermon is recorded in both video and audio formats for posting on the website.


  • Litanists lead the prayers of the people during the Sunday service in such a way that the people will engage in prayer. Litanists are required to attend annual training.


  • Readers read Holy Scripture during the Sunday service in such a way that the people understand what is read. Readers are required to attend annual training.


  • The Ushers hand out bulletins, seat guests, direct people to receive Holy Communion, and serve at the discretion of the priest. The ushers also count the people, collect the offering, distribute bulletins, cleanup the sanctuary and narthex after the service, including clearing the coffee bar, and washing the coffee cups and utensils. Ushers are scheduled monthly.


  • The Worship Team are those who help lead the congregation in singing and enjoy worship through music. Rehearsals are Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. and Sundays at 9:00 a.m. The Worship Team also serves in special services such as Christmas and Good Friday.


Youth & Family Ministry

AWANA Leadership

Awana leaders help children learn Scripture while having fun doing crafts and playing games on Sunday at 4:00 PM. The primary purpose of Awana is to teach Scripture in a fun way to know Jesus Christ as their Lord. Opportunities for adults to serve include age group readers, game director, and commander. See www.awana.org for more information.

Leaders: Jessica Hearne & Elaine Wilkens

Local Missions

  • Members of Faith meet the Second Tuesday of every month for intense prayer for those in need and those who make requests both spoken and unspoken. Join us for a Spirit led meeting, uplifting, weight lifting and time of fellowship with other Believers. For those unable to attend in person, ZOOM is available. Please check the bulletin for information. You can check the bulletin on our Home Page by clicking on Adult Bulletin. You can scroll down to the announcement section.

  • Participate by praying at Planned Parenthood location during the two "40 Days for Life" campaign in the Spring and Fall. Sign-up at their website (40daysforlife.com) or call Deborah Glover or Annette Kersting to go with one of them. Help organize fund raising for Life Choices. Keep the congregation informed and active in the ProLife matters.


  • The members of the church provide a monthly food offering for the needy which is kept in the Faith Food Pantry. When those in need come ask for assistance the food is given.

    Our Food Pantry is available for those in need. If you need food assistance please contact the Church, Monday through Thursday between 9 and 3.

The Daughters of the Holy Cross

“We are an Order of women committed to making disciples and serving Jesus through our Rule of Life: prayer, service, study and evangelism.”

The Order of the Daughters of the Holy Cross is composed of women who have committed our lives to the work and service of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray daily for our church, its clergy, the Order and others in need. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we reach out to those who do not know Jesus and share His message of salvation through word and deed. We equip ourselves with the powerful sword of truth as contained in the Holy Bible. We wear our cross as a symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice and our need for Him to be in our daily lives and we become encouraged and strengthened in community with our sisters.

We welcome all Anglican women and appreciate your interest in the Order of the Daughters of the Holy Cross. The Order provides a community in which you can fulfill a lifetime vow to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Order's four-fold vow consists of Prayer, Service, Study and Evangelism. We expect and assist each member to earnestly develop and practice each of these areas.

We invite the Holy Spirit to guide us and welcome you to be guided by that same Spirit as you determine if you are called to be part of the Order.

Joy Bombs

We are all experiencing challenging times, some more than others. There are people in your life that could use a virtual hug from a “Joy Bomb”. This could be in the form of a phone call, email, text, card, meal, dessert, small gift, gift card, balloons, a goodie bag, or anything you think they would like. Stretch your mind to think of someone whose day would change because they knew you care. Go for it!​

Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God’s people.  Philemon 1:7